Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Cannabis Seed

cannabis seed
Cannabis or marijuana is the dried flower buds of the female hemp plant. Generally you can distinguish three main types: the Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis Ruderalis. Cannabis Sativa is larger than the Indica and thinner leaves. Cannabis Ruderalis contains little THC. The main types intersect and diverge into new varieties, which are again split and crosses. You can compare it with tulips which there are many varieties.

You also see sometimes distinguish between indoor and outdoor cultivation and weed between organic and non organic weed. In biological weed the plants in soil (potting soil) and grown non-organic weed at Coco's example (hydro). Dutch cannabis is sold under many names such as Northern Light, White Widow, Orange Bud, Jack Herrer and No Name Haze. These names are also represented the seeds for marijuana plants. There's a big price difference between the seeds. Some seeds will produce stronger plants like White Widow, others give back a high yield of flowers like Jack Herrer. Furthermore, there are some taste and odor differences between different species. One type can be a bit sweeter and stronger flavor than the others. The main difference is, however, the THC content. In general, the more costly the weed, the higher the THC content.